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khuvsgul lake

Khuvsgul is a place where there is thick timberlands, surging streams, shining lakes and rough mountains. It's Mongolia's most wonderful territory and apparently every waterway twist or lake bay offers new and superb shocks. It does rain a ton amid summer, yet this just adds to the landscape: rainbows hang over glades dabbed with white gers and touching steeds and yaks. 

One of the top attractions of the Northern Mongolia is Khuvsgul Lake. The lake exists in limits of the Khuvsgul National Park. The zone of Khuvsgul Lake, raised well above ocean level, is 2760ms. Its length is 136 km and width 36.5 km. The outpouring from Khuvsgul Lake channels into the Eg River and Selenge River lastly achieves Lake Baikal in Siberia. This lake is venerated to all Mongolians and is known as "Mother Sea". Numerous Mongolians are glad to call this lake as "Blue Pearl of Asia ". Untouched by industry and current urban life, the Khuvsgul Lake's water is extraordinarily clean. The researchers have reported that Lake Khuvsgul contains two percent of world's crisp water assets. This is a spot in Mongolia where one can get feeling of aggregate pristine wild. The range is heaven for open air voyagers and there are a lot of space for exercises like climbing, birding, angling, horseback travel and kayaking. 

Tsaatan – is a country, who keeps reindeers, which tenants in the northern piece of Mongolia. Typically Tsaatan tribe lives in the high taiga mountains, which are extremely hard to contact them. In winter time Tsaatan individuals move with their reindeer groups to their homestead high in the mountains, closer to stars and afterward no one but helicopters can contact them. Amid 70 years comrade administration, this country could keep their custom, society and character. Nonetheless, contingent upon their populace minority it is running the threat of vanishing of the country at present time. The primary sustenance of Tsaatan is reindeer milk item and meats of wild creatures chased by them. While the Khalkh command the south, there are additionally scattered populaces of Buriat, Uriankhai, Khotgoid and Darkhad individuals. The north is a fortress of shamanism and you may be sufficiently lucky to see a shaman function. 

Shamanism - The tribes live in the northern piece of Mongolia, for example, Darkhad and Tsaatan, in the northeastern region of Mongolia (Buryat and Khamnigan) and tribes live in the Central-Mongolia, the Khalkh keep up the antiquated shamanic conventions. Shamans hone a type of animistic religion (animism - enchantment thinking conviction - all people, creatures and all things in nature have a spirit - soul) with a few implications and with distinctive characters. The focal component in the shamanism is constituted by the love of the Blue Mighty Eternal Heaven - "Blue Sky" . There are an aggregate of 99 Tengris (sky-spirits) or brilliant animals in the lower and upper world, in which Köke Möngke Tengri (Eternal Blue Heaven) is the preeminent. The beside Köke Möngke Tengri is the Qurmusata King. He has an uncommon connection with the beginning of flame. The flame is sacrosanct for this individuals. One of this standard says: "Never stamp out the flame or put garbage or water o

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